Bad experience

I would definitely try again, and take a deep breath! From your post, I would say part of your nervousness and lack of understanding about animals was just part of the problem. But that is ok, it takes experience to get past that! Animals take time to adjust. Give them time. We are all here to support you, and so far the advice is excellent. SMILE, you are getting a chicken and friend for life!

I wouldn't have made that kind of comment to you like your neighbor did, that was like lighting a fuse and I am sure you were already nervous! I am just kind of confused why your mom insists on keeping your chicken with the neighbors. I guess you have an arrangement to collect her eggs or partial care? With you being a minor, I would be very aware that things between neighbors can go wrong, so your situation is in the hands of the adults. I know it is hard when you live with your parent to work out deals, but if things don't work out with your parents or neighbors you might have to set tight on the chicken issue until you have your own place. Maybe you should get something in writing if you must keep your chicken there about ownership and responsibilities expected.

I have to agree that a buddy would make things easier if you keep her at your own place. Hang in there!
I thought I read somewhere that if you place the new chicken in the coop at night with the others, then in the morning they [might] just think she's been there all along?

Is this even remotely possible?

I know thinks went horribly wrong, but from reading your post I have to tell you that you did a great job protecting the chicken. First, you realized (despite your neighbor saying otherwise) that the hen was not safe in the henhouse. Second, despite how much you wanted to keep her, you realized that it would be better for her (at that time) to go back. I can't imagine how hard that all must have been. It sounds like it was awful all the way around.

I agree with the majority of the replies on here. Give it another go, just have a great back-up plan in place first. Try to educate your mom first about how it'll be in the henhouse, and explain how little actual WORK will be involved if she's in the dog kennel. If that doesn't help, then I think the seperate-but-in-the-same cage with the neighbors chickens is a great idea.

You had a horrible first run, but now have some new info to work with. It'll go so much smoother next time. And it will all be worth it in the end.


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