Bad eye infection, swollen eye


May 21, 2015

My year old polis chicken have bad eye problem! Help! Whole eye is swollen and very big. The inner eye lid is swollen too and I can't see the real eye anymore. This problem haven't be more than 6 days. I check all my polish eyes every week. Six days ago I need to wash here hair cause she ate porridge and she was very dirty! I know bad move that porridge.... Anyway it hasn't been like that a long time.

First i washed her hair again case it was full of that eye stuff that is coming out of it. Then I flush her eye with sailing(saltwater from pharmacy). I remowed that yellow/white cheesy like stuff from her eye. It was lot of it! Then I put a antibiotic eye ointment in it. Fucithalmic vet1% is one I used. I gave to her straight to her mouth an antibiotic. It is called Oriprim and is antibiotic, sulfa I think. She had also Metacan painkiller. Now I am doing this eye cleaning routine four times a day. One time a day she is getting antibiotics and painkillers. I think I need to go on with this routine week or two. I didn't put her isolation. She is in very small flock, and I tough that she would be stressed if I take her away. In same flock there is one cockerel and hen wicht have flu. Sneezing time to time. Nothing else. They get Oriprim antibiotics too. Whole flock haves vitamins in water. Everybody else are healthy! This eye problem chicks doesn't have anything else. She doesn't sneeze like those others. She doesn't look like sick. She eats and drinks normally and she is doing chicks things like others.

What do you think? Do I have any hope with her! I love this chickens a lot and i don't want to lose her... Feelin sad :( What is this? I don't think this I sinus problem. There is nothing coming out of her nose. Throat is looking clean. Please help me!
Chickens will exploit weakness and peck the infected eye, so I'd recommend isolating her. Otherwise, it sounds like you're doing the right thing.
Chicken is little bit better now, but not well yet. I think that the eye is gone. Over the eye is thick and white film. It doesn't get off. It's like hard and white overcoat. It doesn't cover full eye, but its middle of it. Yellow pus is still coming out and I clean the eye many times in day. Now I have better antibiotic eye drops for her called Oftan akvakol. Today I got Baytril liquid antibiotic. I'm going to give Baytrill for her min 5 days, max 7 days. 0,25ml 10% liquid once a day. She is still perky and alert. Eats and drinks normally. I don't care about that if she loses her on eye. I just wanna her to stop suffering that infection and swollen eye lid. She can perfectly live full life with one eye I think. I love my polish girl so much! I hope she gets better now with baytril.

What can this be?! Doctor thinks that its chickens "normal" flu or sinus infection. I'm not sure about those. Anyone haves a chicken who's eye has get blind like this?
You might try to remove the thickened pus over her eye, so that the eye medicine will be more effective. Use QTips, tweezers, or manicure equipment.
Eggcessive. Try and done that already! It so hard that it doesn't move at all! It's too firm and grow in to the eye.... :(
The same thing just happened to one of our hens a couple days ago. We fed her Greek yogurt for 3 days and it worked perfectly! She is completely healthy now.
Baytril is as powerful an antibiotic as there is for chickens, so that may help her symptoms. It's hard to say whether she ad coryza, or mycoplasma (MG,) but remember that your flock is now a carrier for this disease, even if the chickens survive. Any new birds added or taken out of your flock will infect other chickens. Most people close the flock to new birds when they have a disease. Not all infected swollen eyes are because of a respiratory disease, bu it can happen with a peck or injury to the eye. Here is a good link to read about common respiratory diseases and symptoms:
Chicken is little bit better now, but not well yet. I think that the eye is gone. Over the eye is thick and white film. It doesn't get off. It's like hard and white overcoat. It doesn't cover full eye, but its middle of it. Yellow pus is still coming out and I clean the eye many times in day. Now I have better antibiotic eye drops for her called Oftan akvakol. Today I got Baytril liquid antibiotic. I'm going to give Baytrill for her min 5 days, max 7 days. 0,25ml 10% liquid once a day. She is still perky and alert. Eats and drinks normally. I don't care about that if she loses her on eye. I just wanna her to stop suffering that infection and swollen eye lid. She can perfectly live full life with one eye I think. I love my polish girl so much! I hope she gets better now with baytril.

What can this be?! Doctor thinks that its chickens "normal" flu or sinus infection. I'm not sure about those. Anyone haves a chicken who's eye has get blind like this?
Have you checked her choanal slit for signs of infection?

Photo by BYC's Nambroth

I'm sorry to hear about your hen. We had a similar thing happen. I had no luck with Antibiotics, yogurt, probiotic flushing or vetericyn. It took forever to find something that worked. I ended up finding a dilution online. Two Tablespoons of distilled water and just 4 drops of organic ACV (with the mother).

I would flush the eye daily and put 2-4 drops of the dilution in the eye twice a day. Within a few days the infection was gone. It looked better the very next day. It took me too long to figure this out and she ended up loosing the eye but she gets around fine and seems perfectly happy now with her one eye.
I'm not sure if this will work for you but it amazed me.

Good Luck

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