Bad smell and drainage from chickens nostrils?


9 Years
Apr 23, 2010
I looked up Coryza, and that doesnt seem to fit. I have had this bird for 2 weeks, just the last day or two I have noticed a little clear drainage from its nostrils, it has a BAD odor. But there isnt any swelling anywhere, it seems to be eating fine, and I dont see any other symptoms. And the other birds it was with in quarantine dont show any symptoms. Any ideas?
Well, I went through a LONG thread telling all about it, and it sounds like that is what our bird has. I am going to treat all the birds that were in the area (all our birds
) with gallimycin and the other meds recommended, ordering tomorrow
Until I get the meds here, I have duramycin, and LA-200, would either of these be helpful until the meds arrive?
Here's what the Merck Vet Manual says:
"Because early treatment is important, water medication is recommended immediately until medicated feed is available. Erythromycin and oxytetracycline are usually beneficial. Several new-generation antibiotics (eg, fluoroquinolones, macrolides) are active against infectious coryza. Various sulfonamides, sulfonamide-trimethoprim, and other combinations have been successful but must not be used in layers. In more severe outbreaks, although treatment may result in improvement, the disease may recur when medication is discontinued."

Duramycin and LA-200 are both oxytetracycline. If they are both 200mg., then it appears you could use either one.
I found this on another post a while ago so I copied and pasted it. Hope no one minds as I dont know how to copy links lol
I haven't tried it myself as I have had no need as yet

This is what the post said
A natural cure recommended to me by Kelly Klober
I got to visit with the poultry expert Kelly Klober. He told me that this is something he likes to use. He said it will clear up Coccidiosis and heal most cases of respiratory illness provided the birds are not Chronically ill. I have not yet experimented with it but I wanted to share it.

He said take a Gallon of raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar.
Add several Garlic cloves and drop in a couple of very hot red peppers. Let it sit for about a day or two.
Give the birds about 2 tablespoons per gallon of water, for Coccidiosis, and a little more than that for respiratory illness.
Just thought I would pass it along.

Good luck with your birds
does anyone have the number of a good vet I could talk to? Doesnt have to be local, or even in oklahoma, just to go over the do's and dont's....I looked over ALL my birds this morning, my favorite roo has a little dried mucus around his eyes and nose, so I isolated him and the little pullet (I dont have any pens that are over 30-40 feet away from my chicken pens) thats the best I Can do.

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