Bad Spellers Repent!

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It isn't just the spelling either. Sometimes it is about the lack of punctuation (I'm sorry I always use too many commas and too many parenthesis) and capital letters. really it just gets annoying when you have to read like this
Which is why my posts have edits. I hate these laptop keys HATE them.

Which is why i have a separate keyboard for my laptop! I hate them because I always rest my wrist on the stupid enter key!
Can't say as it really bothers me long as i can read it thats all that matters to me.
This isn't school and we all make mistakes why point them out and make someone feel stupid.
Some of the smartest people I know can't spell well. You either have the gift for spelling in English, the most difficult of all languages for spelling, or you don't. Ain't nuttin gonna change or improve a bad speller for very long.
I agree, as long as the OP's point is coming through clearly. When I have to stand on my head to figure out what they're saying, I get frustrated.
I agree we should all perhaps at least run spell check. Poor grammar is a pet peeve of mine. I wish everyone would start to talk more gooder.
Sorry y'all. College Degree... Can't spell a darn thing! I used to live with a dictionary by my side because I really hate spelling errors! Especially my own. I did find out that spelling does not correlate to IQ or common sense. So there!
(not saying I have either btw!)
Why? I've never seen a post on here that I couldn't read its meaning easily. Why should bad spellers have to bother running a spell checker for somebody else. Maybe some of us need to improve our reading skills instead.
Why? I've never seen a post on here that I couldn't read its meaning easily. Why should bad spellers have to bother running a spell checker for somebody else. Maybe some of us need to improve our reading skills instead.

I hate the posts where you CLEARLY have to make a hge effort to try to get the point....
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