Bald butt and swollen below vent.

HOLY CRAO that is huge!!!
i wonder what causes this. my chicken dont have it that bad but its getting there.
they all seem to be "ok" just this unsightly fluid sack in their bums. i wonder.... hum mmm>???
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Stormclouds swelling does seem better but she is def. not running around like normal and just looks sickly. The vet said it can take a week to build up shell on a soft egg that's stuck up far but it's been a week now. If they did an x-ray she thought she could tell if it was that or if yoke had leaked into her chest cavity. If that was the case she'd give and antiinflamatory. She said not an antibiotic because it she didn't think it'd be from bacteria. I researched natural ones and found that tumeric and ginger are anti-inflammatories. So I gave her some olive oil with those in it and maybe that's what helped the swelling but it didn't help her perk up. When she starts looking really bad I give her milk, olive oil, sugar combo which def. perks her up temporarily. I will keep her in the bathroom a few more days and then guess I'll just put her back out with the flock and hope for the best. Boy does that bathroom smell
She's 2 1/2 combined with the fact that her breed isn't known to lay a lot makes it hard to say if she's just stopped laying for now or if she is blocked up. Maybe she's getting ready to molt. I just don't know. It is encouraging that some of you have chickens that have lived a long time after this problem started. I hope she does!!!!
me too.. its just worring when your chickens dont look right lol even if they act right.
i just have no clue. im glad that pot pie has lived a wonderful life with it meaning that its not to harmful.
just unsightly
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Wow....I too have been having this problem!!!!!! A couple of weeks ago we had to put a hen down because her belly split open and it was all mushy inside!!! And now we have a hen acting the same way. We took her to the vet and he diagnosed her with synuvitis. (spelling?) She's actually full of air and not fluid. Weird, huh? She's on antibiotics right now.....don't know if she'll make it. I'm not saying that's what your chickens have, I just wanted to share what the vet told me. Who knows???????? Is there some "new" disease going around that's eradicating all our chickens????????
me too.. its just worring when your chickens dont look right lol even if they act right.
i just have no clue. im glad that pot pie has lived a wonderful life with it meaning that its not to harmful.
just unsightly

We have had her for over five years and she just keeps on clucking
My goodness, Pot Pie and my RIR hen could be twins!! I am so happy to find these threads, because up until recently I thought my RIR hen had some very strange condition! Of course, it still is very strange, but at least she is not the only one. She has been waddling around with a huge rear end for 14 months. Her legs are a little bowed (because of the extra weight) and she can no longer jump on the roost (so she has a dog kennel to sleep in) but she is still queen of the coop and no one bothers her!

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