Bald Eagles are after our chickens

I'm very sorry to hear you've lost your two favourites! What a shame. Glad to hear your tomato cage idea is working, though. That's pretty clever.
Actually I lost 3. My original flock were definitely my babies and these 3 were in that flock. I have only one left. The third one died of shock. Literally she was so upset for a few days, stayed under coops, wouldn't eat, but drank water. Then on day 3 I just found her dead in the coop. I looked her over pretty thoroughly. No injuries, no bugs, nothing going on I could see. So sad. Thank you so much for your condolences! That means a lot!!!
Oh might think Ethel lived. She succumbed to her injuries Thursday night. She and I both fought the good fight for her, but in the end it was just too much for her. :(
I have spent the morning running reflective tape back and forth throughout my orchard, where my chickens free range, to dissuade the eagles from going after them. Normally they eat salmon from the river, but poor river management has caused an extreme shortage of fish this year. There is a bald eagle nest just around the bend and they need to feed their young, so you guessed it, they are coming after our chickens. They have gotten 2 of my neighbor's chickens and 1 of her ducks. I didn't think they could negotiate through the orchard, but they managed to and killed one of my chickens and wounded another. The problem is they can't actually lift the chicken, so I went out to see one of my babies slaughtered and half eaten. My heart is so broken over it. Normally my girls are so happy and carefree and I love that they have so much space to wander around. Last year I put this reflective tape up and it worked and when I felt the danger was over I took it down. It's hard for me to get around in there when it's up, but this time I'll leave it up.

Here is my question for you all, how about if I set up a lot of tomato cages, upside down, spikes up, and tied reflective ribbons all over them. That way I could walk through the orchard, but the eagles wouldn't have a landing site. What do you think? Please don't tell me to put my chickens in a small cage somewhere. Some of my girls are 4 years old and have lived their whole lives free. Putting them in a confined space now doesn't feel right to me, so I have to find another way to keep them safe.:hit
How big is your orchard? I had to put 4x4 up in the middle of my garden and drape netting over the whole thing so the hawks wouldn't get my chickens or my veggies. The chickens are still able to roam some. Maybe not as much as free-ranging, but they are not confined to a pen until night time when they come in and go to roost in the coops. I have had chickens off and on for 30+ years and this is the best I have been able to come up with.
The orchard is small, about 4000SF. I did put bird netting over the grid I made in the open areas and I set up tomato cages, turned over with the points up, in tight spaces so that we can actually walk around the trees to pick fruit. It is enough to deter the eagle, who has come to check it out and then flown away. We do have hawks, and I'm not sure this would protect my chickens from them, but their hunting patterns are very different than the BEs so I'm not sure they are having difficulty feeding their babies.
@ValerieJ I am sorry for your losses. Thank you for your posting. I am just north of you in Thurston county and trying to get my property setup so my first flock of four ducks can free range safer. I will use your tomato cage idea.
It has worked so far, and they have "visited" the chicken run several times since then. In some of the larger areas I have put up bird netting, but that may not be practical for a totally open area. I turned my tomato cages upside down and anchored them with landscape pins. I thought the ideas of grow cages was also good, although I haven't set up any here.

Good luck to you! Here on the Cowlitz, ducks have been a regular diet for the eagles in years past. Really it's so strange to see so few wild ducks and geese.

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