Bald spot on rooster's head

Billy 1

In the Brooder
Jun 19, 2022
Louis the Polish rooster has had a bald spot on the top of his head for several weeks. It looked like it was growing in, but has now gotten bigger. The skin doesn't appear to be broken, and he doesn't act like there's any discomfort. He lives in the yard with one hen, so I know the other chickens aren't doing it.
Any ideas what caused it, or what I should be doing for it?
Louis the Polish rooster has had a bald spot on the top of his head for several weeks. It looked like it was growing in, but has now gotten bigger. The skin doesn't appear to be broken, and he doesn't act like there's any discomfort. He lives in the yard with one hen, so I know the other chickens aren't doing it.
Any ideas what caused it, or what I should be doing for it?View attachment 3155170
You may just have some nasty hens. Even if it’s just one.

Our hens are terrible at picking at each other. One of our roosters has gone without tail feathers for a long time, and some of our hens are doomed to forever naked hind ends.

They also like to pick off each other‘s feathered beards, one of our Easter Egger hens has absolutely no feathers on her head. She looks like a turkey vulture.

bird vulture GIF

As for a preventative, you can put on a solution called no bite (or something like that). It’s like a chicken bitter apple. You should also put on some antibiotic ointment.
You may just have some nasty hens. Even if it’s just one.

Our hens are terrible at picking at each other. One of our roosters has gone without tail feathers for a long time, and some of our hens are doomed to forever naked hind ends.

They also like to pick off each other‘s feathered beards, one of our Easter Egger hens has absolutely no feathers on her head. She looks like a turkey vulture.
bird vulture GIF
I haven't seen any bad behavior from the hen, but I'll keep a closer eye on her. Thanks!
Mine has the same thing but i think it is because I just merged flocks after weeks of trial and them being separated by a fence to get used to eachother. No broken skin just looks like he had hair plugs put in and they are not growing yet LOL. Either stress or pecking I figured

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