Bananas killing chickens?

Our chickens LOVE bananas and we have fed the ten of them 2 or three bananas in one Chicken TV session.
No ill effects here
Gosh I've been giving my flock of 12 an occasional overripe banana since they were pullets. I suspect like anything, that it's the amount. A whole banana to one rooster could be excessive, and I would certainly keep the peels out of there, but I don't plan on stopping...peace

Please forgive me my head is throbbing and I can't think straight! I reread a few posts and couldn't find anything about peels. Did I miss something? Mine get 2 peels every day. I have 27 (or so!) birds.
I wouldn't think that it would cause a chicken, or anything else, to "drop dead" while you were feeding it banana. I would think it would take an hour or more for the extra potassium and such to get into the bloodstream.
Hi Geebs - I hope by now you can find a simple laugh in a sad situation. Your eggs were sent out yesterday and I hope you hatch a great little roo or two.

As long as we are debating this issue - How much banana did he eat and how long after eating the banana before he dropped dead?
Just want to point out that I often read on here of people recommending electrolytes in the water for all sorts of problems. Potassium is the main reason that this can be overdone easily, and dangerous.
I feed mine bananas every so often with peels and all. I learned that they will choke on the peel if it is whole and had to rescue a hen that found a long piece in the mulch pile. I chop the peels fine now and no problems.

Perhaps it got a long piece of peel and choked?
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