Bananas killing chickens?

it is an interesting discussion, but hey, I would like to suggest a little reasoning for those who are now afraid to give their chickens or children a banana

remember cause and effect? as in, yesterday there was a rainbow and then a car crash, guess I shouldn't drive when there are rainbows because I don't want to crash my car. hmmm, these seem to be totally unrelated events!

as in, I gave my rooster a banana and then he...he what? crowed? mated a hen? scratched in the dirt? attacked the kid? Did the banana cause the crowing? the mating? the scratching? the attack? nah!. So fine to speculate and wonder and investigate and research, but there is enough anecdotal evidence cited on this thread by folks who have fed many many chickens with bananas and banana peels to know that feeding a banana won't kill your rooster.

can they choke? oh yeah! IF they had some sort of potassium imbalance, could 4 h kids feeding a bunch of bananas to a rooster cause a problem? don't know.

relax! it is tough when your chicken suddenly drops dead, but there are unfortunately lots of causes for that which can be totally unrelated to the last snack ingested.

It's also a scientific fact that 100% of people who drink water die.
I fed my five 12 week old bantams a very ripe banana this morning, one died and one is very sick. I'm very, very sad tonight.
I fed my five 12 week old bantams a very ripe banana this morning, one died and one is very sick. I'm very, very sad tonight.
the banana did not kill your chicken.
How does their poop look?
What is the sick ones symptoms?
Cocci would be the first thing to start reading about.
My Bantams did not drop dead eating the banana they died a couple of hours later, with clear fluid coming from their mouths, they were twelve weeks which means they were very small. They had no other food except their feed. I'm not sure if the banana killed them, but I do know I will not be feeding my babies bananas anymore. It is a horrible feeling when you are holding the babies you raised in your arms and they die.
I'm sorry for those who lost loved ones. As far as banana toxicity, it should be noted that many foods considered healthy and non- toxic, can be decidedly toxic under certain conditions. There are many that I'm sure all of you reading this can easily surmise without me babbling on, much.

One thing I consider when reading comments here and just about everywhere else in the intertubes, is that my "reach" is vastly greater than it would otherwise be, even if I had the attention of everybody in a city the size of Kamloops. And yes, there is a city with such a ridiculous name as Kamloops, look it up. It can seem alarming to hear about things in a forum such as this with such a wide participation rate, but one must be careful not to jump to conclusions without a little context.

I know there are lots of people with nut allergies, milk allergies, dust allergies (myself among them) allergies to all sorts of things. One can safely assume allergies and various intolerances of all sorts must exist in the avian world too, possibly occur even more? Combine that with the concentration of folks mentioning sick animals at this forum, which will naturally occur a great deal more here as opposed to in town and you can generate results that will scare the plants off a lion tamer!

From what I have read and researched at length about bananas, I wil state for the record: I will continue to feed them to my hens, my little snapping turtle and myself -- in moderation.

Too much of anything can be bad for you, or even lethal, under the right circumstances.
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