Banding chicks problem


12 Years
May 22, 2007
Greeneville, Tn
Ok what am I doing wrong here or is there a trick I do not know about. I bought cable ties in colors. My chicks are 3 weeks old. I put a yellow on one of the pullets (which was lots of fun:)) and then put her back in the brooder. Well, that went over like bugs being releashed. Major band attack so bad one other chick grabbed it and pulled her off her feet. I took her out and removed the cable tie.

Any suggestions on how to get them to accept the banding. How to I do this without that happening again? Was it just the yellow color I did not use red for I knew that would be a problem. Could it be I was doing it too young that they need to be older?

thanks all.
I bought the spiral ones from byc'er Hens and Hoof Ranch and no one has touched them. Put them on the day old chicks!
Well I just banded the male with blue and not much problem. Then I did another female with yellow and all is good. Strange that the first time on the other female it got so bad.

Now I am wondering how I am going to cut these off.
Did you perhaps eat a hot dog just before banding the first one?
Why are you even banding chicks?

Please wait until they are full-grown, and then if necessary, band layers with No. 11 poultry bands.

The results of too tight bands in growing birds are not pretty, and it's not right to subject birds to unnecessary pain using unsuitable objects like cable ties or too tight bands for identification.
A lot of people on BYC use cable ties and they work just fine. You just have to be vigilant about keeping an eye out for growth, so that they can be cut off and new ones put on before the ties get too tight.
mine did that for a few days, the biggest problem with the bands was after a week the bands didnt open to there little legs the skin was growin over them so they were worthless the full sized bands were the way to go
I am banding the chicks to mark pattern development and growth rates. Since I am breeding this is something I keep track of in my breeding programs. Next time I will be doing it with toe punches to start them going to the bandettes. Just did not get a toe punch yet.

I am going to wait for the bandettes as I think it is too much trama putting on the cable ties and then cutting them off. I have to get them so tight that they have little room for growth. I am lucky at least I am able to really watch them many times a day since I am stay at home and no kids.

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