Bantam and full size chicken


7 Years
May 5, 2012

I am going to have two chicken coops so that I can house my bantams in one and my full size chickens in another. I would like to let them all free range but will they stay segragrated or want to comingle? My concern is my full size rooster bothering and hurting my bantam hens.

Does anyone else have this set up and how do you handle your situation?
The flocks may or may not comingle, but it is almost a guarantee that the flock roosters will fight and try to breed hens from the other flocks. Yep, the bantams will also try to breed the standard hens.
The flocks may or may not comingle, but it is almost a guarantee that the flock roosters will fight and try to breed hens from the other flocks. Yep, the bantams will also try to breed the standard hens.
Thanks for the replies. I was hoping to be able to let them all out every day but it does appear I am going to have to take turns with them.

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