Bantam bin, possible porcelain d'uccle!


Jun 22, 2022
alright yall, i have a bantam and what im assuming may be a porcelain d'uccle, but im still not sure if its a pullet or not.. my son is going to be heartbroken if its a roo as were not allowed to have them, and the other bantam is a roo 😭😬

please help! Here are different angles!



I believe this is actually a Self-Blue d'Uccle. The chick is too uniformly lavender-colored for a Porcelain in my opinion.

I think your baby's still a bit too young to be sure of its sex. Post pictures again in a couple weeks and we'll be able to give you a more accurate guess. 🙂
I believe this is actually a Self-Blue d'Uccle. The chick is too uniformly lavender-colored for a Porcelain in my opinion.

I think your baby's still a bit too young to be sure of its sex. Post pictures again in a couple weeks and we'll be able to give you a more accurate guess. 🙂
I sure will! I have been so impatient because i already know my other bantam is a roo! Ill have to start looking at information on self-blue d'uccles!

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