~*~ Bantam Chicken Contest ~*~

Names: I gave up trying to give names to all my birds long ago lol
Breed: Silver Sebright
Gender: Rooster and Hen
Age: not sure, bought them at a show in Clemson, they were probably a few years old
Comments: These were some of the prettiest chickens I ever had

Beautiful little birds!
Name: Penny (standing)
Breed: Red Jungle Fowl
Gender: Hen
Age: ~7 months
Comments: Penny is my baby girl; although not tame, I did have to nurse her through an injury only only my second day of owning her. She's a lovely little hen and has since learned to take good care of herself. She's always eager for a treat.

Name: Jane (sitting)
Breed: Red Jungle Fowl
Gender: Hen
Age: ~7 months
Comments: Jane came with Penny and the roo and got her name because she seemed to get along better with the roo (Tarzan). She's a broody little thing and is currently sitting on 8 lovely ivory-coloured eggs. I'm excited to see what she hatches out for me.

Jane sitting on her nest and Tarzan standing guard.
Jane (sitting) and Penny (standing) together with Tarzan in the background.

Name: Tarzan
Breed: Red Jungle Fowl
Gender: Rooster
Age: ~7 months
Comments: My tough manly man, Tarzan protects his girls. I frequently catch him in the shelter with Jane, guarding over her while she sits on her eggs. Such a good boy. The picture also lets you see Jane and Penny (back) again. Second pic gives you a better full-body shot including his lovely tail.

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Alright, these are mixes but they're to darn cute not to post a picture :).

We hatched these cuties July 22nd.

Peanut - Mixed breed... NO idea

Um.. she loves to talk...



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