Bantam Cochin question.


5 Years
Mar 28, 2014
We have 4 Bantam Cochins and 2 black sex links. All are 9 weeks old. We have been keeping them i a small coop with a run so that they can be introduced to our 3 adult Leghorn hens. We are wanting to start letting the younger chickens out to start integrating them with our other girls but are worried they are too young? I'm especially worried about the Bantam Cochins since they're so small. They just seem so cramped and I hate to keep them from being free. Any suggestions? Anyone have any bantams that can give any suggestions? If it helps, one of them is a rooster, also one of the sex links is also a rooster. Not sure if that night help with protection?
You could make an entrance big enough for the chicks to go through, but too small for the hens to go through. That way the chicks can come out and socialize with the hens, but have somewhere to hide if they get picked on. At this age the gender of your chicks doesn't matter. Also, typically roosters won't attack hens who are picking on their own flock. They normally only chase off other roosters.
You could make an entrance big enough for the chicks to go through, but too small for the hens to go through. That way the chicks can come out and socialize with the hens, but have somewhere to hide if they get picked on. At this age the gender of your chicks doesn't matter. Also, typically roosters won't attack hens who are picking on their own flock. They normally only chase off other roosters.

Thank you! We will give that a try and see what happens. :0)

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