bantam ducks-breeds and pro/cons questions

I have some of Holderreads minis, now about a month old. They are almost completely feathered out! 3 Mini-Silver Appelyards and 2 Overburgs. They are hilarious, very quick , they can jump about 8-10 inches for bugs . One is very friendly , she runs over and stares at me all the time, she almost jumped out of the brooder at 2.5 weeks. --- I call her "Pop-tart"

When I put a bowl of grass clippings in, she jumps in the bowl 9she doesn't want to share with the other 11 ducklings!
I have a snowy mallard male & female. They are so sweet! They love to hang out with me & follow me. They are bantams. Very nice looking ducks. They are so funny too. They have a very nice & silly personality. I havent had them for winter yet so I can't answer that question but since they are mallards I would think they would fair very well. I would recommend snowy mallards. I got mine from Ideal, they are just pets.
I've had calls for years and no sinus problems. I do know that you need to make sure they can dunk their whole head to clear their nostrals. Water pans can be made non-bathing tubs by putting a heavy board over enough so they can't get into it. Works for me. Love those calls.
I've had Calls for almost 4 years and have never had health issues with mine. This last weekend I found a female with splatters of blood on her head. I seperated her from the rest in order to watch her. I cleaned her up and gave her a shot of baytril - she seemed to be panting but her lungs sounded good. I let her swim around in my bathtub for a couple of hours and watched her behavior and she's fine. Sleek and back to normal -no panting no issues.

Last year our winter here in Nebraska was terrible - everyone made it through without issues.

Good Luck with your decision.

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