Bantam hen with standard rooster?


7 Years
Jun 5, 2015
I got a bantam chick today. It was free cause it was the last one. If it's a hen will it be okay to put my standard barred rock roo with her? I don't want her getting hurt by him. Thanks
Awwww lol. This is my first bantam so I'm super excited :) they are so small compared to standard lol
I keep bantam and standard together a lot. I would jsut advise against hatching any of the eggs. I tried this once, and the chicks all got too big for the little bantam eggs, and had to have complicated assisted hatches. There were only two of them. One died after a few hours, and the other is a very rotten rooster

But as long as you don't plan to hatch her eggs, I'd say it'll be fine. Just watch her a bit closer. She may need a saddle to help her out :)
Maybe so. Maybe the chickens, too. It was a tiny Silkie hen with a bigger than average standard polish roo. He throws big chicks, but they're usually with a big hen.
Ah your problem was the chick grew bigger then the egg due to the larger then normal genes that polish threw. Mine was a OEGB hen crossing with a KK. And before that was a RC with a KK

*KK means Kraienkoppe

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