Bantam Question


12 Years
May 29, 2007
New York

It's been quite some time since I have posted on here and am not sure if this post is under the right category... (Mods. feel free to move it if needed).

Anyways, I currently have only three hens and my family and I have decided it's finally time to add to our flock. We are interested in ordering a few chicks this late spring/early summer but I have a few questions and concerns first.

We're interested in getting a few bantams - Silkies, small EEs, and maybe a cochin. I'm interesting in ordering them from and was wondering if anyone has any reviews on that site - anyone order from there/heard stories? Do the chicks arrive in a healthy state?

My other concern is that the hens I currently have are 'regular' (medium-large) in size; since bantams are considerably smaller, would there be an problem keeping the bantam breeds with my other girls (once they grew up enough?)? I have two red sex-links and one EE-mix. They are all pretty mellow and laid back as far as chickens go...

Does anyone recommend a good (smaller) breed (besides the ones I listed)? I'm looking for something that is quite social/laid back and pretty hardy in winter weather. The rate of egg laying is somewhat of importance too...

I am really interested in getting a few bearded Silkies. I think they are incredibly adorable. I'm hoping to get one male, and one pullet among with the other bantams (hopefully those will all be pullets). Can anyone give me more information on the Silkie breed? A friend of my neighbor breeds show chickens and has quite a few Silkies. He told me that they are a very delicate breed and need extra care - that they can't be put in with other breeds of chicken... I'm just assuming he said that because he shows them, but is this true?

Finally, my last question that's been on my mind is if all works out and I get the (one) Silkie roo that I want, would he have any problems with the other girls? I'm not interested in breeding, I want a rooster mainly for 'protection' and guidance over my hens but am not really sure how much a little Silkie can help with that - haha!

Well, that's it for now - thank you in advance!
I have ordered from mypetchicken and my chicks where healthy. I ordered silkies and ordered females but I ended up with a few boys which was a bit disappointing. My straight run silkies from a different hatchery had the same number of boys. Most of my chickens are bantams but I also have 6 EE and the size difference has never been an issue. As far as silkies being delicate, my 8 silkies run with the pack, lived in the unheated coop all winter, have been rained on and have no trouble standing up for themselves. I don't have any recommendations for other small breeds because these bantams are my first with smaller chickens.

good luck with your new chicks
The only problems I've had mixing bantams and regular chickens are sometimes a bantam rooster will terrorize a big rooster unmercifully.They are so much quicker and agile than full size roosters and they take advantage of that fact.I have a RIR rooster that can't breed because the bantam won't let him.I had to separate them so the RIR could get the job done.
Oh my gosh! That's too funny (but kind of sad). If anything, I would have assumed the regular sized chickens would be the ones to throw their weight around.

I am currently rooster-less, so hopefully I won't get any more boys other than the 1 roo I want.

I'm glad to hear that these little ones can stand up for themselves... I hope they won't be too much trouble to my other girls though.

Thank you for letting me know.
for MPC.

Also, re: the silkie question, you have to understand that there is quite a bit of difference between "show" silkies and hatchery ones. Your friend is probably breeding silkies that have such large crests that they are blind, hugely feathered legs, great big vaulted skulls (open skull), much less agressive when it comes to getting their share of the food (can actually go hungry) and yes are more delicate. Hatchery silkies should be fine and may be the way to go for you, but also the lack of normal hard feathers on the wings means less efficient heat retaining in cold weather.
Usually everyone can get along fine especially if you have plenty of space. BUT---- I have had recently had a top quality silkie cockerel KILLED by standard hens. Their fence was left open and he walked up to them to "woo" them and was pecked hard on the head. He died a few hours later and I was so so sad...... he was the most gorgeous splash I have ever seen..... It was totally my fault.

I'm so sorry for your loss - that's horrible.

I'm not too familiar with show-qualities chickens and did not realize there was such a huge difference between them. I actually haven't seen my friend's birds, but that description is definitely not something I want. I want the regular-hatchery bred bearded Silkie.

I've had roosters in the past (one I traded in at an auction for more hens and my other I lost due to a heart attack last spring). My girls never seemed aggressive around him, they were actually more submissive, but he was a standard size EE roo... In general my hens are pretty laid back so I hope they can all coexist well.

Chicken Chat:

Thanks for the head up. My EE mix is an EE X Silkie mix (I believe) and she has gone broody a few times.... she doesn't really keep up with it or last in that state for very long (especially since we keep taking the eggs and disturbing her nesting area). How often would you say Silkies and Cochins go broody on average? I love the look and overall personality of both breeds, but thinking about it, I'm not sure if I want to deal with a 'constant' broody issue...

I def. want a Silkie roo though.

All the roosters I have had, I raised from chicks. They all have learned their place and were very respectful and gentle towards people, etc. I hoping to order these chicks in the very near future and therefore would also raise him... how would you say the personality and behavior is of a grown bearded Silkie roo? A friend of mine bought an adult showgirl silkie roo so her children could show him at 4-H and he is an absolute monster... very aggressive and mean.

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