Bantam roo with full size hens


Oct 23, 2020
Central Kentucky
Ya'll I need your advice. I have a flock of 9 ladies ages 3 yrs old and 1 yr old. My neighbor across the street has bantams. They are the cutest things and I decided I wanted some too. Of course he has several roosters he can't get rehomed but only 2 hens he would give me.
The only time I get to see them is when they escape his back yard and are foraging in the front. Yesterday the roosters were fighting and they kind of kicked one out of their foraging group. I didn't nessisaraly want a rooster but I really feel sorry for the little guy.
We are planning to split our run and build an adjacent coop to our existing one for the minions.
The question is can I go ahead and rescue Kevin and let him live in a half section of the covered, predator proof run? Will he be too afraid of the amazon ladies next door? Will I ever be able to get him some ladies his size in the future or will he only accept the glamazons as his woman?
Help me help Kevin!
There's no reason to separate the bantams from the full size chickens. I have a flock of mostly full size, two mid-size and two bantams. I used to have more bantams but I had to sell a breeding pair Henry home to cockerels. They all get along just fine.

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