bantam rooster breeding behavior


10 Years
Aug 21, 2009
Star Valley Wyoming
My regular roosters are trying to breed the hens all the time. My bantams, well, either they are very discrete or they are not breeding. Does anyone know if it is odd not to see the roos pestering their hens? I really want to breed my old english bantams but not sure if I have willing participants!
I have various full size hens and accidently ended up with a banty rooster. This actually is working out very good becasue the banty will mate with the full size hens and the hens are big enough to toss him off if they are not in the mood or if he starts to peck tier feathers. Its pretty funny to watch the banty strut around and keep the hens from wandering off too far and he chases them all into the coop at sunset. It's a good combination.
I have bantys and mine roosters usually do their breeding thing when I first let them out in the morning and on their way in at night. I have one that is always chasing hens and others that just are more laid back about it. I would say to break one of the eggs and see if its fertile.

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