Bantam roosters with standard size hens


Mar 19, 2016
Thinking about getting a bantam rooster and have a few questions.
Will the bantam rooster be able to mate? (Don't want it too) Will it be able to protect the hens? Will it be ok with standard size hens? Thanks for any advice or help! :)
Personally I consider a bantam cock with standard hens an excellent situation. You get the same level of protection and leadership as with a standard cock, while using half as much feed. Plus, most bantam cockerels are ridiculously cute.

How well he will be able to mate will depend on his exact size. A small banty, like an OEGB or Serama, wouldn't, but a larger one like a Silkie or Cochin Bantam probably could. With that said, why don't you want them to mate? A larger bantam would be better than a particularly small one, as I'd be concerned about such as small bird being inadvertently injured by the hens.

And remember that a rooster who genuinely protects his hens is a rarity, standard OR bantam. The most any cockerel will do is call out a warning and keep watch. Very few will actually go after predators. Hence standard and bantam cockerels being equal in this respect.

A suggestion: Get a cockerel who was produced by a private exhibition breeder. There are TONS of breeder quality bantam cockerels looking for homes, available at very cheap prices, and you'll be so much more pleased than with a hatchery quality. They'll be ten times as fluffy, cute, and sweet as your typical hatchery stock cockerel.
Understand this...A Chihuahua can breed a Lab......A Bantam can breed a standard sized hen...The Hen basically lays down flat for the Rooster...Yes...The Bantam will breed the Hens.....

Best of luck


They lay flat but the issue is that the male bites and hold on to the neck of the female, so the back ends won't line up if the size difference is too great. It took quite a long time for my little rooster figure it out. There were many times where he ended up sliding forward and straddling their necks and the girls just rolled their eyes. Again he is a larger bantam mutt, but I certainly cannot imagine a sebright breeding a barred rock, for instance.

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