Bantams and Quail


13 Years
Dec 2, 2007
Williston, FL
I've got a bunch of bantam chicks in the brooder right now. I haven't finished their yard yet, but it's going to be quite large, with half inch hardware cloth on all sides, including the top. I'm wondering if, with enough room and maybe some shrubs for cover, if my current group of button quail would be able to live in the same yard with them? I really want to give the quail more room, but I don't want them to get picked on too much either. Any thoughts?

I've never had button quail but, I know they are small. I don't think I'd put old english game bantams with them for sure! Other breeds with them to me would be iffy....You could try it and just watch them real close for a few days and see how it goes.
I wouldnt do it.
The button quail would get picked on alot.
People have kept buttons with finches and parakeets,but I've never heard of one keeping them with bantams or any other type of chickens. I wouldnt risk it.

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