Bare backside


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 6, 2014
Dublin Ireland
My top egg layer Tweety a RIR has decided to lose the feathers on her backside. She is 3 years old eating and drinking healthy and laying top notch eggs and is happy as can be. This has happend before and it is most certainly not a moult as it can last for an extreme lentgh of time as it has happend before. I've checked for mites etc and cant find any in coop or on the rest of her feathers which are healthy.

Anyone have any clue please?

Many thanks in advance.

I would suggest that the cause is feather picking by another chicken. Reasons for this may be boredom, not enough room, or a need for more protein in the diet. Make sure you are feeding mostly layer feed that is at least 16% protein, and it is safe to increase protein to 20%. An anti-pick cream that tastes bad may help--something that is healing such as a sulfur, pine, or menthol-based formula. In the US Nustock or Bag Balm would work, but you may have your own brands to choose from in Ireland. Feather picking can become a habit that is hard to break.
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I would suggest that the cause is feather picking by another chicken. Reasons for this may be boredom, not enough room, or a need for more protein in the diet. Make sure you are feeding mostly layer feed that is at least 16% protein, and it is safe to increase protein to 20%. An anti-pick cream that tastes bad may help--something that is healing such as a sulfur, pine, or menthol-based formula. In the US Nustock or Bag Balm would work, but you may have your own brands to choose from in Ireland. Feather picking can become a habit that is hard to break.
x2. This was my other idea!

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