Bare Belly CC's.....

We raise our CC's in a tractor which we move daily, or every other day if we're lazy. The CC's you get from the larger hatcheries are of particular strains which sacrifice everything for meat & weight gain. Therefore, they just don't have the energy & protein available to keep themselves feathered. If you read the literature about them (albeit by people against factory farming), the most common causes of early mortality are because their organs, nervous system and bones just do not develop enough to support the animal. We had one drop dead from a heart attack in front of our eyes, which after googling it I found out was actually quite common.

There is an alternative, and I'm debating pulling the tigger on some of these to see how it goes:

Anyone have experience with these?
As a correction to the previous post...Early mortality is due to the organs and bones, later mortality is due to heart attacks...After 5 1/2-6 weeks, heart attacks are the main cause of death.

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