Bare Butted Hens


11 Years
Aug 1, 2008
I have two California hens that look like this, with large feather-less areas around their butts. They appear to be acting normally, and I don't see any pests on them. At first, I thought it was molting, but it's been several weeks now. This flock is 9-months old. Never seen this before. Any ideas?

How many pullets do you have?
What exactly are you feeding them?
How large is your run?
9 girls in an enclosed run (maybe 10x15') + coop. They have plenty of space to walk around and and roost on tree. I feed them commercial layer pellets + non-meat scraps from the kitchen.
9 girls in an enclosed run (maybe 10x15') + coop. They have plenty of space to walk around and and roost on tree. I feed them commercial layer pellets + non-meat scraps from the kitchen.
I would up the protein content of their feed by putting them on something like Flock Raiser, All Flock or chick starter with a container of oyster shell on the side.
I couldn't hurt to dust them the permethrin poultry dust either, just to be sure they don't have lice or mites.
I will try that. Here is a closer picture. She has lost virtually all feathers on her body, with just wings, head and tail remaining. It is worrisome, and I still don't see any pests..

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