Barn Kittens with rabbits and ducks

I thought I would come back with an update incase anyone ever does a search with a similar question. I was quite worried how it was all going to work out, and thankfully everything has been going as I hoped it would since adding kittens to our pets summer 2018.

The kittens are now around 8 months old. We kept them housed in a camping tent for the majority of the summer while they were still getting their vaccines and seemed too vulnerable to be left alone. Around early Sept we transitioned them to the small loft area which we intended to be their overnight quarters. We kept them locked in there for about a week and then started turning them loose in the day. Every night since then we have given them two cans of cat food at dusk for their dinner in this loft (dry food is available at all times). They all come running to me as soon as I go outside and jump right up into their loft. I set the food down and lock them in and they seem content with this plan. They have a litter box in the loft that they do use at night and I only have to clean it once a week since the majority of that mess is done outside. They are all fixed now and have never messed in the loft outside of the litter box.

They also view the ducks and the rabbits as their room mates. They don't mess with them at all, other than thinking their water and food is free for the taking.

I’m glad it all worked out! I just saw the post for the first time and was going to say your plan sounded wonderful.

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