Barred Rock Pullet??


6 Years
Sep 2, 2013
Lake Elsinore, CA.
So is it safe to say that my sex-link is a pullet. The breeder told me that I had a 50/50 chance for either.
This is Chrissy Rock at 5/6 weeks and the bottom is 13/14 weeks.

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Um, this person was mistaken or full of crap. A sex link is just that. Their coloring at hatch is linked to what sex they are.
Um, this person was mistaken or full of crap. A sex link is just that. Their coloring at hatch is linked to what sex they are.

x2. Sex-linked chicken are able to be sexed from birth. That's the whole point.

Black sex-links: pullets are black, roos are barred
Red sex-links: pullets are red, roos are white
It is a roo....and it is either a Barred Rock roo or a Black Sexlink roo...being what the others said...a black sexlink is a non-barred roo over a barred hen....the female chicks will hatch out black with some color bleed through from the father; the male chicks will looked barred like the mother as the mother determines sex.

Male black sex links will be barred, and often not as crisp as the barred hen, which is often a Barred that is the only way this chick could be considered a "Black Sex Link".....if it is the male chick from the non-barred/barred mating.

Lady of McCamley

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