Barred rock questions ***Updates pics


8 Years
May 1, 2011
Some people I have read can sex these by there color pattern u can't see a difference can anyone help out if these are male or females?




wish i could help. But i think they sex them by a certain shape or size of a spot on their head when they are couple days old. someone else might know but you might just have to wait and see.
I've heard too, that it has something to do with the size and shape of the spots on their heads when they are just a few days old. I have 11 that are 2 weeks old today, and I can tell either. :)
The one on top of the feeder in the first photo appears to be a pullet. The two on either side of the feeder in the first photo appear to be cockerels, but it's difficult to see. I'm not sure which one is which in the other photos. Is it possible to label them chick 1, chick 2, & chick 3?
The one on the feeder is chick 1 the one in picture #2 #3 and #4 are chick 1 he is the one I'm questioning
Thank you for the updated photos! They all look like pullets to me. In order of certainty: chick 1, chick 2, then chick 3. If they're around 6 weeks old, they would probably have bright pink combs if they were cockerels.
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I think there only 3-4 weeks old and I was jw cause there combs all have more pink then the other chickens I have so I was curious

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