Barred Rock - Roo or Not


11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Buxton, Montana
This year for the first time I have a BR I just can't tell if it is going to be a roo or not. It is just whiter than everything else. It is 7 weeks old. It had a tough start in that it lost sight in one eye due to some chicken pecking at 4 days. There was a period after that before it learned to adjust that it was almost not thriving and I thought about putting it down. Then it figured it all out and life was fine, though it is still on the smallish size,but quickly catching up.

What do you all see Male or female??
cockerel and looks to have a rose comb making it a dom and not a barred rock plus the pattern looks to be more of the cuckoo pattern rather than straight on barring

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