Barred Rock Rooster or Hen?


In the Brooder
Feb 14, 2016
I think this is a Rooster, but I want to get opinions before I give it away. 10 weeks old. Large red comb already. The barring and coloring is lighter than 2 others I have (not pictured). They all came from the same hatchery (ordered as eggs that we hatched :) ) Also the other two barely have a comb. However, tail feathers on this one are not very long yet (but a little longer than the 2 others), and i dont see pointy saddle feathers...yet. Thoughts?? Pretty sure its a roo, but good to get confirmation. Also, any opinions on the black australorp in the first pic is appreciated as well. He/She is also 10 weeks. We hatched 2 of those, and they look exactly the same. I think they're both roos. Head is blurry, but comb looks similar to comb on the BR.
I thought so. 4 yrs ago we hatched 14 buff orpingtons, and 8 ended up roosters. This time we hatched 18 mixed flock, and its looking to be 10 roosters. Such is our luck. :barnie:D
I thought so. 4 yrs ago we hatched 14 buff orpingtons, and 8 ended up roosters. This time we hatched 18 mixed flock, and its looking to be 10 roosters. Such is our luck. :barnie:D

So are males prevalent in chicken hatches, or is it just luck? I've never hatched eggs, but it seems like every time I hear people talking about it, they end up with more roosters than hens. Seems like it should be 50/50 odds, but more roosters seem to be the norm. Or is it truly different with everyone? Does any one end up with 8 pullets out of a hatch of 14? Or even 70-90% pullets in a hatch? Or is it always rooster-heavy?

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