Barred Rocks


9 Years
Mar 6, 2010
Doese anyone harvest Barred Rocks?
I have a huge Rooster (Sinbad) and some very plump hens I would like to use as breading stock, if it would be worth it.

any help would help.
Barred Rocks are a great dual purpose breed. They have great personalities to keep around as pets, quite self-sufficient, great layers and full-bodied enough for meat.
They are great and large bird so try to keep the largest one for breed. You may end up cull the small one when you have a lot.
Consider that Barred Plymouth Rocks were one of the heritage breeds used in the beginnings of America as dual purpose, self sufficiency type chicken breeds.
They're very large, plump, and meaty, and a good choice. . . . When NOT from a hatchery. Yes, hatchery-related Barred Rocks are still good birds, but don't expect them to be very meaty like the original heritage type. Hatchery bred Barred Rocks are actually bred solely for production now, not dual purposes. If you want to get some big birds with a good lifespan and still a good number of eggs, I'd suggest looking for true to type heritage breeders' stock.
If you look in the breeds/genetics/showing section, there's a thread on Heritage Large Fowl breeds, plenty of Barred Rock breeders there. There's also another thread on Good Shepard Poultry, a heritage Barred Rock breeder. Also plenty of talk on that thread.

I believe BYC users kathyinmo and yard full o rocks breed and sell heritage Rocks.
This weekend I butchered 3 Barred Rock and 2 Cornish, all Roos. They all came from McMurray. The Barred Rocks looked substantially bigger but once plucked, the Cornish were noticeably meatier and produced a nicer carcass. They were all 22 weeks old. The BRs were tall and rangy. That's been my limited experience.
My Barred Rocks came from a hatchery also, they look nice and plump. I'm going to check out the haritage breeds for my meaties.
Thanks for the advice guys and girls.

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