Batam Breed Help

Yay! thank you.. I have been watching them closely, as they change every day. I had thought maybe Spot was a Barred Rock, but when I look at the pictures of them, they seem different. The reason I thought Red might be an Orpington was because they look speckled, like Red does, they have some white in their feathers, and so does Red. Joe Dirt and Stripe are very interesting to watch as they change. And Blue was a black chick that has now turned very red, but the color shaping in his/her feathers is really interesting. Thank you for the input :)
Yay! thank you.. I have been watching them closely, as they change every day. I had thought maybe Spot was a Barred Rock, but when I look at the pictures of them, they seem different. The reason I thought Red might be an Orpington was because they look speckled, like Red does, they have some white in their feathers, and so does Red. Joe Dirt and Stripe are very interesting to watch as they change. And Blue was a black chick that has now turned very red, but the color shaping in his/her feathers is really interesting. Thank you for the input :)

I think Spot is a barred rock. Maybe a rooster though. The chick description reminds me of a barred rock cockerel I was had.
Please someone tell me what breed this one is.
Please someone tell me what breed this one is.


Good news: you have a quail d'Anver... My favorite breed of all! You can PM me about breed questions, etc. We also have a breed forum on BYC

Bad news (or good news if you wanted one): it is a boy. Raise it sweet- you don't want make it aggressive. Again, you can PM me about that

SPOT - Looks like a Barred Plymouth Rock to me, and even though it does have some red looking waddles there, I think it can go either way female or male.

Now that I look at mine at 2.5 months old, maybe yours is a cockerel.

Here's my Roxanne at 27 weeks (approx. 6 months old)

All my chickens are standard size. But the batam's look pretty close to each other of the same breed, at least for Barred Plymouth Rock's.
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