Bathroom Is Chirping Loudly!


Crossing the Road
7 Years
Sep 17, 2015
Came home from the farm place last night with some new chicks. I was not planning on bringing any chickens home in any way whatsoever, yet here they are.

Last evening while feeding the goats we noticed some newly hatched chicks. Same old same old, these american game are very prolific and bery broody. But, these chi ks were scattered all over the place, trying to snuggle under other mamas with older chicks, and were getting beat up for it. A few were hanging out with a bunch of loose roosters eating and hanging out with them. So, we intervened and picked up the few chicks that we saw getting beat up by another hen. And then picked up a few more from another goat pen. Heard more cheeping, 3 more down by the creek.

I gathered a bucket full of 8 brand new chicks (hope I got them all!) None of the hens claimed these little ones, which is extremely weird, given their mothering instincts. What kind of gamefowl sits on eggs, hatches 8 out and then abandons them?? Because there are too many chickens to count running around loose, we have no idea who mom may be or if she is even alive.

So, they came home with me in a feed bucket. They have a beat up cardboard box for a broader at the moment, and live in my bathroom. And they are loud. Not the kind of chickens I wanted to keep at the house in town, so I will probably raise these and turn them loose back where they came from and get some layers after I get a coop made. 20191003_204747.jpg
At one time in my life I was running 4 incubators, and brooding/selling chicks. This is nothing new, but haven't had any chicks in the home since my older son was really tiny (and those were turkey poults).
Wow, it's lucky you came upon them when you did. It's sounds like maybe the mom was killed, but you'd think that whatever got her would have snacked on defenseless chicks too.
That's what I was thinking too. These birds are normally such good mom's, It's really weird to me.

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