Bay Area BYCers!

Cheryl, are you planning on making it to the Hollister show?
Looks like judging starts at 9am.
So I guess that happens inside where all the chickens are caged?
Want to see if we can find each other in there somewhere?

Ha ha, how will we know one another? I could wear my BYC shirt.
I wonder how well one of my Lovilies would compete (with potential for success) at a show?



I love this shot, someone did not want their picture taken...

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I can't believe someone stole her goat!!! That's terrible!

Yes my DD looks almost exactly like me and my granddaughter looks quite a bit like us too. She has her Dad's brown eyes though and she is not as skinny as her Mom and I were at that age. Funny my DGD has my dimples but her mother didn't get them.
I was told that dimples were dominant.

Sorry but yea. The girls don't get those strong black and white markings on their bodies just on their heads and some lighter colored feathers on the neck. The girls bodies stay a dull brownish with some interesting penciling. The girls would blend into the scenery really well if they were out in the wild but the boys get real strong black/white markings.
The wheatons, blue wheatons and silvers are easy to sex very early on. It's those darn black ams that take a while to show their gender! Well from what I've seen the lavenders and whites are also very hard to tell apart for quite a while. He's a cutie though!

Yeah I mean to comment on those dimples. I love dimples!

I was pretty positive this was a roo. I had seen some pics online and was thinking maybe it wan't a Silver, then I saw a beautiful roo and just know that's what he was. Prefect though. I haven't had supplies in years but used to do smithing, So I looked at him yesterday and gave him his name. Sterling! I hope I get pullets out of my order. I figure if I don't I'll go back to hatching eggs. Either way eggs and straight run is a crap shoot. But I think I'll be disillusioned if all the Lavs and Silvers turn out roo, like all those blacks last year.

It looks like I may not make the Stockton show. I'll know what I can afford to do after my machanics let me know what it's going to cost to fix my car. Since I have it up for sale I need to make sure it's in good shape. Wish me luck
cause parts are a pain for this thing. Not to mention labor. Kind of nervouse since they were supposed to call me back with an amount and haven't heard from them. Might mean they are afraid to tell me.

Man I have too many places to go and things to take care of and I really want to make the show. Really bad timing.
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DH just got showed this picture and I told him that "the person who's taking Aubrey is grandma to this baby holding a baby." He awwwwwed and cooooed over the pic and said it makes him feel better to know that our Aubrey is going to such a great grandma!
Sorry to hear about the car. Hope you're able to get it fixed at a reasonable price and sold soon. So what kind of car is it that it's hard to get parts for?
I hope it turns out you get to go to the show after all, wolftracks... it would be nice to finally meet you! Maybe you can get a ride with someone. Anyone from Modesto/Merced/Fresno coming through there could maybe pick you up & split gas with you or something, win/win for everybody.
I was trying to bring one of my grand daughters with me and see if I can get a sitter for Makayla (I should be so lucky), but I want to pick up some birds. I really need my car.

I'm thinking birds first and maybe get the car done afterwards. Gee where are my priorities?
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Um, I think your priorities are in the same place as mine. (grin)

We were gonna come in a friend's truck, but I think we're going to bring the Neon instead. That way, we'll get eggs instead of chickens. Easier to transport in a small car. If we bring our friend's truck, we'll leave with a bunch of birds and God only knows what else...
I hope I'll be able to go. I hate to wait on the car though. I wish my beat up Aerostar was running. My husband was working on it, but after he died it just got worse and I have no one around to work on it. Just hate trying to fix it through a shop. I'd spend more than it's worth. I just want it fixed because it was ours. Then again I would try to fill that thing up too and that would be so good. LOL
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