Bay Area BYCers!

BTW................I always look forward to any and all chicken get togethers & try to make them all. Any help anyone needs with them that I can do please let me know.
Denny has a local group that meets once a month in paso Robles.I would love something like that & may try to get one going around here.
BTW................I always look forward to any and all chicken get togethers & try to make them all. Any help anyone needs with them that I can do please let me know.

So, a little update on Violetta...
She is hanging in there, but won't eat anymore. She doesn't appear to have an infection, but must be feeling so awful that hunger isn't even something she can feel anymore. I guess I'm going to have to tube feed her. If that doesn't work, then it's time to have the vet put her down.
So, a little update on Violetta...
She is hanging in there, but won't eat anymore. She doesn't appear to have an infection, but must be feeling so awful that hunger isn't even something she can feel anymore. I guess I'm going to have to tube feed her. If that doesn't work, then it's time to have the vet put her down.

I'd Tube feed her for two days before you decide to do that Steff
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Keeping positive thoughts on Violetta ... I've never done tube feeding for a chicken; don't give up on her quite yet as Cheryl recommends the tube feeding ...
She's decided that she'll drink clear, plain water. I'll go with that for now. Maybe she's just gotten dehydrated. She's had to rely on me to provide water instead of having it freely. I'll have to change the way I'm doing things, and see if that makes her hungry again. Tube feeding alone only works when the bird cooperates, and she's not cooperating. I guess I should see that as a good sign.
BTW................I always look forward to any and all chicken get togethers & try to make them all. Any help anyone needs with them that I can do please let me know.
 Denny has a local group that meets once a month in paso Robles.I would love something like that & may try to get one going around here.

Karen, I really enjoy these gatherings too. I would definitely be up for a monthly meet-up and would be glad to help get it going. We are getting a lot more people on BYC in this general area. Let me know and we can start brainstorming.
Lol! The kids had a show yesterday and they had 3 birds on champion row (wc chocolate polish was best AOCCL, our white bantam Cochin was Best feather leg, and our call duck was best batam duck then went on to get champion water fowl). My 5 year old took 1st place in her showmanship class! I was so proud! Also I had 21 babies hatch (every egg that made it my sportsman at lock down hatched. I went from a 10% (in my old incubator) to 100% in the sportsman. Three of my babies that hatched (silver pencils) were from Cheryl! So cute!

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