BBBB Bashing thru the snow...

Do you Arugula?

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Huh, that makes sense! Thanks! This trailer was quite short so that explains it I suppose.
Huh, that makes sense! Thanks! This trailer was quite short so that explains it I suppose.
She went back and fixed it. You on the other hand did not fix your mess.
I never thought to put it on green beans or anything. I will defintiely have to try that. I'll have to hide it from the others though or they'll think I'm trying to poison them by putting raw meat on top of another food.

This is especially true for bacon, never go above medium heat. Let the pan heat up first. What type of pan do you use? Cast iron, non-stick or bare metal? It matters how you pre-heat, with or without oil.
I think it was medium but the burner is huge and also might have been slightly higher than medium and I let it heat up for a long time before I put the bacon on :oops: and its cast iron I think and I didn’t put anything in the pan. No oil or butter or anything. At first it was dry then later cooked in the grease.
:lau sounds amazing!! Also can someone teach me how to properly cook bacon!? Cause I majorly failed tonight. 😭😭 oh btw I bought some today too plus lots of sausage so I had breakfast for dinner 😂🤣 couple fried eggs, bacon, maple sausage links, homefries, pancakes, the works. 😂🤣🙈

Also I need to parallel park and back up straight 😂🤣 I just avoid doing both unless absolutely necessary.
I cook mine in the oven.
I'd bet your pan was too hot. I cook my bacon on medium heat and it takes about 20 minutes. Cook it slow.

To parallel park, pull up next to the car in front so your rear ends are lined up. Back up while turning the wheel until you're at about a 45 degree angle to the curb. Straighten while still backing in. You should back in just about perfectly.

You park on the LEFT side of the road?! That is one of my pet peeves. It's illegal, for one, and it kind of says that you don't think the law applies to you.
Oh, no no no. Sorry, should have clarified. I don’t park on the road anyway since I can’t parallel park and there’s like no road parking around here anyway except in the city. I meant like in a parking lot at a store, I will always park in the spots where I can spin the wheel to the left. Whenever I try to the right, I always go out of the lines and stuff.
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