BCM chicks 3-4 weeks old and question about feather colors...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 4, 2013
Wetumpka, AL
I have never had bcm chicks before, just full grown ones. Anyways, Ive noticed that has the chicks are feathering out, they are beginning to have different colors. I have 14 in all (6 of them seem to have brown on their feathers already and 8 are still solid black)....my question is, first is this normal. I completely trust the lady that I bought them from...she is a regular lady and has great chickens. Second, does this tell the gender of what they will end up being? As of right now, all their tail feathers are coming in great and their combs are not red nor the waddles and all of them have the feathers on the legs (although its hard to tell in the pictures). Ill show some pictures that I took of one of the ones that has the brown in the feathers and one that is solid black...sorry if they are a bit blurry, light was coming into the room and messing with the pictures.

Here is a full body shot of the one with the brown in the feathers already and Im thinking roo????

Close up of the one that has brown in the feathers:

Full body of the solid black feathered chicks:

Close up of the full black feathered chicks:

I have some black sex links that were mostly all black as chicks (One did have some brown on the face). Now that they are growing feathers, they are coming in very similar to your chicks. I would say it is perfectly normal. A lot of chicks change colors when they grow feathers.
I'm glad you posted this! I recently bought 7 chicks, a mix of Blue Marans, Black Marans and BCM. They're 3 weeks old now and one or two are starting to show brown feathers and was getting concerned that maybe these chicks weren't what they said they were. But it looks like that's not the case
I'm glad you posted this! I recently bought 7 chicks, a mix of Blue Marans, Black Marans and BCM. They're 3 weeks old now and one or two are starting to show brown feathers and was getting concerned that maybe these chicks weren't what they said they were. But it looks like that's not the case
I know right. I trust the woman and know for sure that's what I got but Ive read here and there that the brown feathering could be a sign of a roo...wasn't sure though...guess its a waiting game to see when the comb and waddles turn red LOL

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