Be careful what you wish for....


12 Years
Jan 7, 2008
SW Iowa
I was sort of kind of secretly hoping that one of my silkies would go broody - like next spring. Well, I got my secret wish and one of the girls went broody about 10 days ago so I set some silkie and quail d'anver eggs under her. O.k. I was happy.
Last week Mama #2 decided she wanted to go broody too - I put 9 quail d'anver eggs under her last night.
As I was doing this, Mama #3 decided she wanted in on the action - I'll put some silkie eggs under her in a few days.
Here's a picture of the maternity ward. At this rate, I'll have chicks in the basement half the winter. I'm an idiot!

The nesting boxes/buckets do work really well. When they went broody, I just picked up the bucket and moved them where I wanted them to be and they weren't disrupted.
I know what you mean by secretly wishing someone would go broody, same here. But, no one has. That's ok though because I met someone here from BYC that sent me home with 13 babies! So I think I'm set now till spring!

BTW, I love the bucket idea! That's so cool! I never thought of using one of those.
OH MAN the bucket thing is so good and inexpensive! WOW what a concept! Gonna try that out. DD and I can make these easily and not have to wait on DH to build the pretty ones!
about the buckets i bet you could spray paint them for some prettiness , just an idea
good thinking on the buckets my moms manages a restaurant so i have access to tons of free buckets
Great nest boxes. I know what you mean. I wish I had some broody banties but none of my bantams are laying yet and most are still chicks!
Lucky! I wish i had some chicks but i have to wait till spring. The buckets are a good idea!never would of thought of that! How many gallons are they?

By the way: To bad you can't change your name
They don't look empty now

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