Beak filing?

As long as you look where your tube is going and use something thicker than water, you will be ok to tube feed!
If you can't do it, and can't find someone, even a neighbor or stranger, who will hand-feed your bird while you are away, it wouldn't be the right thing to leave her to painfully starve. It would be kinder to euthanize.

Believe me, I absolutely hate culling the birds. HATE IT. I go through great lengths to give them the best possible outcome, even though it hurts, I have to think of the bird. I cry like a baby every time, but it has to be done. If you can't be there for her all day, it would be a kindness.

I just recently updated my method in euthanasia by helium, if you are searching for the least violent way possible, but if you aren't going to be able to arrange care for your bird or delay your travel, then you're going to have to look it in the face.
I will tube feed her three times or more and will find someone to give her coconut oil While I am away... i will even ask my neighbors. It’s a sports Showcase and cant be moved. I really just have to think about this more right now because i am still freaking out.
I will tube feed her three times or more and will find someone to give her coconut oil While I am away... i will even ask my neighbors. It’s a sports Showcase and cant be moved. I really just have to think about this more right now because i am still freaking out.
Not coconut oil, it needs to be coconut cream or coconut milk! It can be used to put weight on, but should be given along with the yogurt/applesauce and other liquid foods, not just coconut cream by itself. If you have a blender, you can liquify feed with the coconut cream/yogurt too!
Aside from the guardian angel, all of those things are easy to get at the store! You can sometimes find guardian angel at pet stores, but it's a crapshoot whether they will have it or not. Let's see if we can get @ButtonBag in here; they ordered it from somewhere that got it over the next day.

I’m UK based, so luckily managed to order mine direct from The Birdcare Company’s own website, and they deliver overnight be default here.

I did also notice that a lot of websites for parrots seemed to stock it, so if there are any exotic pet stores near you it could be worth a try. I’ve spotted they also have a list of retailers in the USA if that’s where you are, but it’s short so could be a long shot. Good luck with your bird, I really hope she pulls through!
Can chicken food be disolved in water for tube feeding? I would assume that is the best choice, if it can be gotten into her stomach, because it has a correct balance of everything a chicken needs.

(I don't know much about feeding chickens that have problems, which is why I'm asking.)
Can chicken food be disolved in water for tube feeding? I would assume that is the best choice, if it can be gotten into her stomach, because it has a correct balance of everything a chicken needs.

(I don't know much about feeding chickens that have problems, which is why I'm asking.)
Thick doesn’t matter, lumps matter. Put the crumbles into a blender and blend as fine as possible, then add liquid and let it set until everything is completely soaked. Then mash out any lumps at all. If the slightest piece at all doesn’t go through the syringe and/or tubing and you mash the plunger on the syringe a little too hard, you will have the biggest mess ever. The tubing and syringe tip possibly could separate under all the pressure...of the clog. Ask me how I know. :lau
@Eddie12109, I was wondering if you’ve been able to tube feed her yet. Another possibility, other than soaked, regular chicken feed would be raw egg yolk, which has the nutrients a chicken needs (but not forever or in place of their feed.) Also, make sure anything you feed her is a little warmer than room temp. In her fragile state she needs to stay warm.

I promise this is my last comment about euthanizing her. If you, the owner, the one who loves the sweet girl, cannot be there to tube feed her, I would not leave her in the hands of family members who have no connection to the hen. Generally speaking, those who have no vested interest in something tend not to care enough about it to do it correctly, if at all. Not to mention if they’ve never tube fed before.

I do wish you the best in taking care of her, I really do.
@Eddie12109, I was wondering if you’ve been able to tube feed her yet. Another possibility, other than soaked, regular chicken feed would be raw egg yolk, which has the nutrients a chicken needs (but not forever or in place of their feed.) Also, make sure anything you feed her is a little warmer than room temp. In her fragile state she needs to stay warm.

I promise this is my last comment about euthanizing her. If you, the owner, the one who loves the sweet girl, cannot be there to tube feed her, I would not leave her in the hands of family members who have no connection to the hen. Generally speaking, those who have no vested interest in something tend not to care enough about it to do it correctly, if at all. Not to mention if they’ve never tube fed before.

I do wish you the best in taking care of her, I really do.
I have to get the things first and i will be able to tonight. Would i use the egg yolk to tube feed?
someone in my family has been able to get coconut cream and some mash to tube feed... i havent seen it yet but will tell you what it is when i see it.
Even though i do have to leave, the person who is in charge of her knows how much I care for her and I know she will try her best with the coconut cream. When i get back and she is doing worse, than i will have to take those steps but i have grown up with these chickens and am too young and scared to kill them myself. I will ask my dad about this and see....
Very good. Please have the person feed her something other than coconut cream. Something substantial for the long run.

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