Beak filing?

Sadly a vet visit isn’t possible, there is none in our area who deal with chickens
Last update:
unfortunately I wasnt able to fix her and she died today. I had to isolate her last night and this morning because you could tell she would die soon. She started to have blood drool and there was nothing I could think of to fix her... would anyone know why she was drooling blood during her final days? I thought internal injuries but why would she have clear drool first and then after a month have blood.. thank you all for the help
Last update:
unfortunately I wasnt able to fix her and she died today. I had to isolate her last night and this morning because you could tell she would die soon. She started to have blood drool and there was nothing I could think of to fix her... would anyone know why she was drooling blood during her final days? I thought internal injuries but why would she have clear drool first and then after a month have blood.. thank you all for the help
I'm sorry about your hen.
I don't know what that would have been.

To find out more a necropsy and testing would give you some answers.

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