Bear problems Omlet coop


One Handy Chick
15 Years
Jan 7, 2009
Bear shenanigans. My omlet coops is a little messed up. Fixed it with zip ties. Lots and lots of zip ties and tomorrow or later this evening I might go and hog ring every single space where it connects. My hens are ok. Not much we can do about it. I don't like working out there without something to ward it off. They are pretty sneaky. I have seen a couple since I have lived here 30 years. I do not really fear them but if they get too comfortable I might have to buy some bear spray. I would fear them if I was out there and did not hear it and got too close. If you have any ideas how I can make my coop stronger let me know. The clips that comes with the omlet are not good. They break open. I think I am going to put some hog rings on tonight. Might hold better than the few hundred I already put on.


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The only thing that will keep a bear away is HOT wire.
I am very surprised the omlet held up. The other coop is wood and it's solid. How is the hot wire on the electric bill? Does it make it go up much? There is another way but I would rather not go that route and it's not the right season yet. Might have to wait until Sept. Hopefully the bear will just give up and leave the area. I might consider the hot wire.
I am very surprised the omlet held up. The other coop is wood and it's solid. How is the hot wire on the electric bill? Does it make it go up much?
Not sure never needed it here....but I doubt it is significant.

There is another way but I would rather not go that route and it's not the right season yet. Might have to wait until Sept.
What way is that?

Hopefully the bear will just give up and leave the area. I might consider the hot wire.
Well, you can wish in one can google the rest of it.
I am very surprised the omlet held up. The other coop is wood and it's solid. How is the hot wire on the electric bill? Does it make it go up much? There is another way but I would rather not go that route and it's not the right season yet. Might have to wait until Sept. Hopefully the bear will just give up and leave the area. I might consider the hot wire.
They do make solar powered chargers/energizers if you’re concerned about the electric bill. Not sure how well they work though or how strong they are (i.e. if they’d work on a bear) but yeah.
We had a DC energizer that we could hook up to a battery. Grass and debris run it down pretty fast. So, just got to monitor that - if your looking at other options.
The only thing that will keep a bear away is HOT wire.
And sometimes that doesn't work.

A friend of mine lives just out of Kalispell, MT. She had 2 strands of hot wire up around her coop and chicken run. Pretty close to town in a neighborhood w/ varying lots - some literally less than 1/4 acre & houses "on top" of each other. Hers is about 1-1/2 acres I think, but beside & behind her is very large acreage that extends back to trees (not small & can barely see when standing on property line - the properties are all in hay & hayed by one person). Part of the acreage is owned by one person & she's been trying to purchase it, but hasn't managed yet...

Anyway, in 2021, she showed me damage to her coop from a bear... She only had 1 strand of hot wire then. It had "punched" through the largest wooden side of the coop & got one hen. When it was repaired, she installed 2 strands of hot wire.

The next day (after she showed me the damage), she's cleaning a rifle, looks at our other friends (a couple whom are like a step sister/brother to me & have taken my own adult daughter & SIL "under their wing" up in Shelby, MT) & states "It's opening day of bear season. You're all coming with me, right?" Not gonna lie, I was terrified!

We spent several hours touring around Hungry Horse Resevoir. Got out and searched around several areas. Personally, I was quite happy we didn't even see bear sign!! She, on the other hand, was sorely disappointed...

Last fall, she let me know that a bear (bigger ?, same bear?) had gotten through both hot wires & totally demolished her coop & run. Killed all of her chickens - think she had 8 hens. A couple were older, not regularly laying. A couple were new pullets just starting to lay...

Her coop was built by her & her son's family. It wasn't huge, but not small either. The hens were comfortable even when closed up during blizzards. The run was hardware cloth - think 1/2×1" (not squares). The coop was 3-4' off the ground - sandwiched between a slight larger greenhouse and her 3 car/shop/garage. Uprights were 4x4' true - locally milled - for both coop & run which extended under the coop & out - I think 20'. I guess that bear "rampaged" or ? Whole coop & run needed to be rebuilt... Not sure yet if it's done, she had some health issues pop up again. So did I & haven't talked to her in a while...

2nd bear story - a "small" black bear was seen on the banks of the Marias river - maybe a mile or so from daughter/SIL's house before they moved up in 2021. There was a bee keepers spot between the road we drove on (leased pasture from owner). They had 2 hotwire fences - one was a 3 or 4 strand livestock type fence & one was premier 1 netting - around all the hives. They were on separate solar chargers. I can't remember how many, but more than 10 hives. They aren't there any more. A bear got through the wire & helped themselves to fresh honey! The hives not destroyed, were moved to different location.

Daughter, Skye, & I are discussing how to build a solid coop/run for their 6 new hens. Both Grace & Gwen will be competing w/ their pullets at Marias Fair next month...

Back to OP - I'm amazed that your omelet run didn't have a lot more damage. I've seen more from loose, "feral" (domestic) dogs. I'm thinking you may want to go w/ a more conventional run - with posts in the ground, heavy duty HWC & maybe a strip of wood over the edges of that HWC. The repairs you've already made, look great, but will it prevent a bear from doing more damage - if it returns?

BTW, I love "simple" styled hoop coops made from CP. I don't know if that will hold up to a bear, either...

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