Bears are back!

Most bears you would see in the mountains while hunting or hiking you never do. The moment they catch human scent, they are gone! Its the ones that have learned that human activity equals food and come into close proximity with little to no fear are the dangerous ones.

This dude did not bolt and run away but rather turn and trot off as if to say "I'll come back later."

Other than a sal with cubs, trash bears are the most dangerous and the biggest nuisance we face each season. But nuisance bears are like human burglars. Unless you are in immediate danger or they are in the house, you cant shoot them (not that i would unless I really felt threatened).
Its a struggle here as most people accept that we are living in their environment and they are just adapting to us. But I am also a parent of 2 small children. Any aggression towards them will not be tolerated.
I grew up in Minnesota. Where we had to chase black bears out of the garage every night. Because they found where the trash cans had been hidden.
The black bears there where simply a nuisance, spreading trash or scratching up the car or garage door.
However, having young children around bears that have adapted to people in their environment might be concerning.
The biggest thing to remember is that these bears are above all else oppertunistic and a small child could look like a big opportunity.
I would definatly be discouraging these bears from coming around in every way possible.
Our local feed store has a few products, "scent sprays"that are supposed to detour bears.
Bears have a fantastic memory and if they have a particularly bad time somewhere (stink bombs, pepper sprays and gunfire into the ground) their not likely to return often.
Keeping the bears as far away from your family as possible will be the safest option.
I grew up in Minnesota. Where we had to chase black bears out of the garage every night. Because they found where the trash cans had been hidden.
The black bears there where simply a nuisance, spreading trash or scratching up the car or garage door.
However, having young children around bears that have adapted to people in their environment might be concerning.
The biggest thing to remember is that these bears are above all else oppertunistic and a small child could look like a big opportunity.
I would definatly be discouraging these bears from coming around in every way possible.
Our local feed store has a few products, "scent sprays"that are supposed to detour bears.
Bears have a fantastic memory and if they have a particularly bad time somewhere (stink bombs, pepper sprays and gunfire into the ground) their not likely to return often.
Keeping the bears as far away from your family as possible will be the safest option.
Our last house was about 25mi from here and the bears were worse. I kept a trail cam up in backyard and 7 different bears came through in one week. Our neighbor shot one in the butt with birdshot. The next night he was back in the garbage.
Freakin' bears! Smh
What did they do? Was he still there when they showed up?
DNR here does very little. Their excuse is that there are so many bears around there is no way to be sure they get the right one unless they catch it in the act.

They came and set a trap. They also gave us full permission to take care of the problem on our own, which is what ended up happening. My brother staked out the chicken house with a rifle and a spotlight. We now have a bear at the butcher being processed into sausage and burger.

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