Beastly little roo!!

Personally, I don't handle my birds much, no matter their gender. I pick them up if I need to do something with them, otherwise, leave them to their devices. In spite of this "not handling", there have been a fair number of them over the years that have been moochers for attention. I have a Blue Ameraucana now who is at my side every chance she gets. Dominiques are particularly friendly, and I'm finding my PBR chicks to be the same. They will step onto my hands for attention, and beg for facial massage. They will lay on their backs in my hands while I massage them. My adult Doms (several years ago) would jump up onto the perch and lean into me for a facial massage.

You may find that your LF birds become more friendly when they reach POL, especially if you DON'T have a roo.

I don't handle my egg layers much. Just enough to check for critters and such once in awhile. The ones in the grow out that get handled more right now are my Cochins. They are friendly little buggers.

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