Because I care about my BYC family....

NO! I'm on both as well
I'm "Wannabefree" over there if you have any questions about where to find stuff
There are literally TONS of homemade laundry soap recipes over there, and they are easy as pie! There are even recipes to make the ingredients if you can't find them in the stores!!! Go have a look, it's GREAT for questions like this! I have tweaked my soap recipe till I really don't even measure ingredients anymore, I just go by feel
If it feels/smells/looks's GOOD, so I can't exactly help you there. Pssst, I even sell some
NO! I'm on both as well
I'm "Wannabefree" over there if you have any questions about where to find stuff
There are literally TONS of homemade laundry soap recipes over there, and they are easy as pie! There are even recipes to make the ingredients if you can't find them in the stores!!! Go have a look, it's GREAT for questions like this! I have tweaked my soap recipe till I really don't even measure ingredients anymore, I just go by feel
If it feels/smells/looks's GOOD, so I can't exactly help you there. Pssst, I even sell some

Lol...I will be checking it out soon. Unfortunately I have to work overnight tonight *sigh*...but thanks so much for being so helpful!So you sell it too? How cool is that!
Sorry I'm sensitive in this area. Some folks think poor and lazy are synonumus. There are folks with disabilities who "would" work but can't because no one will accommodate their restrictions. I won't go on cuz this could go on and on.

I don't like being beholding to anyone else. It's not an easy thing to live with.

As for stock piling against the drought sure it's not a foolish thing. It's just that how do I store chocolate and for how long. Oh and how can I store coffee?

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Sorry I'm sensitive in this area. Some folks think poor and lazy are synonumus. There are folks with disabilities who "would" work but can't because no one will accommodate their restrictions. I won't go on cuz this could go on and on.

I don't like being beholding to anyone else. It's not an easy thing to live with.

As for stock piling against the drought sure it's not a foolish thing.


Well we have something in common then! I am sensitive about that too. Poor and lazy
ummm...yeah, they need only walk a day in my shoes. I'm poor, as far as a dollar bill, but rich as an oil sheik in many other ways, and lazy, I am not. I know what you mean though. Best not to keep company with those kinds of narrow minded folks
Sorry I'm sensitive in this area. Some folks think poor and lazy are synonumus. There are folks with disabilities who "would" work but can't because no one will accommodate their restrictions. I won't go on cuz this could go on and on.

I don't like being beholding to anyone else. It's not an easy thing to live with.

As for stock piling against the drought sure it's not a foolish thing. It's just that how do I store chocolate and for how long. Oh and how can I store coffee?


How To Store Coffee For The Long Term

Chocolate storage
homemade laundry soap:

1 bar Fels-Naptha or Zote soap (grated)
2 cups borax
2 cups washing soda
1 cup color safe bleach

"Washing soda" is sodium carbonate, used to increase pH in pools, which is the cheapest and simplest way to buy it this time of year. Arm and Hammer also sells it but if you don't watch the label you'll end up with their version of Tide; I can't buy it locally so I get the pool stuff in WalMart. The color safe bleach is optional, does get the clothes a little brighter, but they will be clean without it. You only need 2 Tbsp per load. Really.

There's also a liquid version which I've never made. Here's a thread about it:
Since my garden flopped this year with severe drought and temps over 100* way too early, I hit the market. Today I got almost 50 lbs of tomatoes that I have canned half of already. I'll finish tomorrow. I have hit the you-pick places for my fruit for jams/jellies and peas. I still have some of the staples to stock up on whenever I find a decent sale which seems rare at this point. The cost of everything has skyrocketed, yet "the powers that be" say there's no inflation. I'd like to know where they're shopping?

When I made my deal at the market with the tomatoes, the couple I bought from were in their mid-late 60's I'd say. I told them I'm canning them and the husband and I got to chatting. He said that nobody seems to do that anymore and people don't seem to realize that it's not going to get any better, but worse. I assured him that there are still a few of us that have the skills and the fortitude to do whatever it takes and that it takes work. He gave me a great deal on the maters ($17 for what weighed out at about 50 lbs!) and I thanked him and was on my way.

This economy does scare me and I won't lie about that. Desperate people take desperate measures. I realize it's probably short sighted, but I feel if we stepped back on our aid to those that don't even like America, and took care of our own FIRST, things could only improve. After all, its YOUR money that goes i the billions or trillions overseas. And WE don't have it.
Well,,,,, we live very thriftfully..... I'm canning more of the garden. Trying to downsize on poultry as the feed bill is one of our largest bill, followed by farm utilities - water, electricity, propane.

Want to make a solar cooker.

Heat by a wood stove, Can also cook on it and do in the winter.

If I had a way to grow corn, grains, I would be much more self sufficient. I've watched my savings tank that I saved for over 20 years and I just cannot worry about it. We have a farm where we can eat, sell a little, live frugally and I consider myself blessed. i pray that there are not acts of violence... I want to get a hand pump for our well to help with outages.

I know at any minute things could change. I think "prepared, not afraid" should be a good motto....So for us, that means - physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually. I've read on other places of the need to bear arms in these times. I won't disclose here or anywhere how we protect our farm, but we have protections. We've already encountered attempted animal theft in the dark. It was taken care of by one of our guard animals, but believe me, trying to gather back a herd of terrified goats who were spread throughout 20 acres was a difficult tasks.

Since I don't think posting the Ten Commandments will do any good, Maybe I could write on a sign, No trespassing.....God is watching you. I haven't read all the thread but I'd rather be prepared then taken unawares. Our biggest shortage would be animals feed and if we had to I could convert eggs back into feed for the animals.

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