Been A Long Time


10 Years
Apr 4, 2009
Mountains of Eastern Ky
I am not a new member but it has been long time since I have been active. I had beautiful flock of mixed chickens about five years ago and a dirty skunk killed them all in two nights. I was away at the time as my precious mother had passed and I came back to a coop of senseless death and destruction. I lost the heart for it to say the least. That along with other stressors I won't mention, have pushed me to the edge of my sanity and I am being treated for PTSD now. Feeling so helpless and hopeless is a terrible place to be when I was always so in control and capable. It is a long road I travel now but I know with the Lord's help I will make it. I have a service dog now and he helps. I have also gotten myself some more chickens and they have been like a bealing balm to my battered mind. I started out with two RLBW pullets and a roo, two SLW pullets, one GLW pullet and an Americauna roo. Last night I added a splash maran hen and a black copper maran hen. I am going to get a couple more black coppers and will call it quits. Only because that is all I have room for. I wish I could squeeze in an americauna pullet or two since I have the roo. I plan to pair him with the BCMs and breed some olive eggers. I look forward to spending some enjoyable time here during my recovery. This is a pic of Brother Andrew my RLBW roo and that is Hawk, the americauna in the back of him.
G’Day from down under cajuninky :frow Welcome Back!

I am sorry to hear of your woes and do hope that things improve for you. Chickens sure are the best therapy!

Have you checked out your State Thread in the past? If not, you might want to Find Your State Thread and pop in and say hello.

Love the pic of Brother Andrew and the expression on his face! :love

Please do share more pictures and stories of your flock, BYC’ers never tire of these and do not back away slowly or commence eye rolling when the photo album or home videos come out ;)

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