Been sitting in nesting box for 5 hours.


Mar 14, 2020
West texas
One of my 9 month olds has been sitting in the nesting box for 5 hours. She doesnt hiss or growl when I open it to see what shes doing. No eggs under her. Should I do something to see if shes having trouble laying or just wait? I took her out and set her outside and 5 minutes later she was back in the box.
There is no question in my mind...she is broody. Our buff orpington would hiss, growl. Brussel up like a turkey. The blue Wyandotte didn't make a sound. This has worked for us and goes against all the advice every opportunity I have taken them out of the nesting box and at first put them on the ground then after the second day it was unceremoniously dumped out and run them out into the run. The orpington took a full week of that while the wynndotte was over it in 3 days. The orpington had been in "chicken jail 3 time prior to this last episode. She would last about 6 weeks and back to broody, this time with no jail time she has been great for 8-9 weeks and even laying eggs. It may not work for you but you can try it and see ...there's always jail time.
There is no question in my mind...she is broody. Our buff orpington would hiss, growl. Brussel up like a turkey. The blue Wyandotte didn't make a sound. This has worked for us and goes against all the advice every opportunity I have taken them out of the nesting box and at first put them on the ground then after the second day it was unceremoniously dumped out and run them out into the run. The orpington took a full week of that while the wynndotte was over it in 3 days. The orpington had been in "chicken jail 3 time prior to this last episode. She would last about 6 weeks and back to broody, this time with no jail time she has been great for 8-9 weeks and even laying eggs. It may not work for you but you can try it and see ...there's always jail time.
I dont think shes broody. I think she for some reason was just taking a while to lay. Once she laid she left the box and is now roosting with the others.
That's exactly how the blue Wyandotte progressed to full broody in a couple days...I hope its not unless you want chics.
I'll continue to watch her. No matter what I want, we cant have chicks. Only ladies in this chicken house. If she does go broody it wont be the end of the world. Our coop is plenty big to put her in a cage and break her.
Well, she just laid an egg. I guess she just took a long time. I'll continue to watch her.
She may not be having 'trouble' laying...but just be a 'lounger'.
Some birds hop in, drop the egg, and hop back out....other are more leisurely about it.
Just keep an eye on her for any signs of illness.

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