Beer Bread and Bacon

I keep looking for that place that would have the leg for proscuitto. Love to try that some time.

Homme - Bacon is really easy to make. Its 2 part process. You start with the belly, let that soak in a brine for about 3 days to a week, then you smoke for 4-6 hours.

Basic brine that I like:

1 c salt
1 c sugar
2 c apple juice
.5 c molasses
black pepper.

Had some of the latest batch of panchetta this morning - just about the best food I could imagine. If you havent had it panchetta is like bacon but much more complex garlic and herbs and lots of pepper and its not smoked.

Chuck that sounds like some good eats!
I love salami as well.
I would love to do this one day. Thanks for the brine recipe!! How much water do we add to this mixture?
Nice! Yeah typically pancetta is cured in salt with nutmeg fennel and some other goodies and after the salt cure it's air dried. That part is key for the proper texture and flavor!

How long do you typically let yours hang?
Yea my panchetta had garlic and thyme and nutmeg and cinnamon and other things too. I just let mine hang for a week. It was flat style not rolled because I cant find a good slab big enough. I tried rolling this little 4 lb slab and it looked like it would be 4 slices worth. I put this on fresh pasta and this becomes about the best meal on earth!!!!
If you can you should let it hang longer. I know it's hard!
but it's SO worth it. You wouldnt believe the difference! Three months is fantastic..... six is just crazy special!
I have 10lbs coming in tomorrow but I doubt I could wait that long - haha. Maybe in winter or if I get a great surplus. How big is your slab when you let it hang like that?
I gotta see if I can find a slab like that. 4lbs is the biggest I can get.

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