Behavior question about my househen


12 Years
Oct 1, 2007
Medina, OH
I have a silkie that is kept in her box during the day while I am at work and is out in the evening and all day on the weekends.

I have noticed that lately, she'll walk into from the kitchen into the dining room and sit in one corner. Where ever you put her in the house, she will end up in that one corner.

Also, I've noticed she is eating her regular food but won't touch treats anymore.

And lastly, her chattering has increased alot. When she is out, roaming the house or sitting in the corner, she makes these cooing, clucky, squeaky sounds. Like a doot, doot, doooooot sound. So funny.

Also, if you call her name, or the nickname my daughter gave her, she shakes her head.

If anyone has anything to offer on any of this, please share.
How old is she? Is she laying eggs? If so, she might be going broody. Silkies do that ALOT! Does she puff up? Funny little girls. Not much you can do about it, tho. I would think its harder to get her over since she's in the house. If she were outside, I take them off the nest several times a day. Take them out of the nest at night and put them on the roost. Offer them a dust bath, oh, how they love that!!
I got her as a rescue and don't really know how old she is. She hasn't ever layed an egg yet for me.

And she hates a dust bath....
It's funny because if I had a parakeet in the house, my cats would have eaten it by now. They don't bother the hen at all. In fact, many times, they sit next to each other on the floor in front of the fireplace.
I bet she is feeling broody or is ready to lay an egg and has found just the right spot!!
Silkies are really goofy birds anyway. They are so vocal and silly. Let us know if she lays an egg or if someone else on the forum has another idea of whats goin on!!
Silly bird!
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I agree with everyone. I think she is getting broody. I have 13 silkies and one or two are broody all the time. What silly birds they are!

I would try setting up a little box with a lid ( like a small cat litter box in shape) with some bedding for her to sit in. Maybe she will lay you an egg!

Silkies are only part time egg employees at our house anyway. They are usually too busy to bother laying
They prefer to be kept hens.
Well no sign of an egg yet, but she sure is getting mouthier!

Today she is going to school for show and tell for my 7 yr old.

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