Bento Box Fever!

There's a velcro mesh pocket on the inside of the lunchbox bag itself. Plus a zipping pocket on the outside for even more food. I use one of the 'never freezes solid' gel icepacks, so I can smush it a little and it still velcros.
Last night, DH took 2 ham & cheese sandwiches, chips, homemade chocolate chip peanut butter cookies, string cheese and milk. With extra cookies in the outer pocket. He loves his new bento set and excited to see what's for lunch everyday
I didn't feel like making onigiri tonight, but Bella's been dying to carry her "Rindi" onigiri box, so I figured something else out instead.


LUNCH #15:
Chicken Punkin' Sandwich (chicken, neufchatel cheese, toasted pumpkin seeds on double-fiber bread)
Carrot halves
Vanilla Yogurt & Grapes

Sushi Rice w/Veggies & Furikake

Here's what the box looks like all packed up (sandwich & carrots in top, yogurt & grapes in bottom):


And drawn up in the cute little carrying bag:

Sounds great! Took me a good while to read thru these posts and thought it would be perfect for my daughter who will be attending K next fall.

Now where would you store the ice pack???????
I got my second order today! So cute! Bought five bentos this time, two layer type. Definitely going to have to learn to pack creatively, though! hehe BUT I brought one of the plainer ones for me on my route the other day and it was perfect for a bit of pasta salad in one half and frozen (so still cold by the time I ate them) grapes in the other. :) I was leaving the office and somebody asked me who gave me a present and was it my birthday. hehe It was just a sage'ish colored one with cream trim, but I guess it could have looked like a little present box. *shrug*
Part of DS's lunch today. (There was some color in there other than white!
Still using Gladware and watching for the UPS truck!!

Went to Whole Foods today. They had the Laptop Lunch Kit, the box, the insulated bag and bottle for $34.99. And no shipping. If you have one near you and are looking for a box you might find it there! I know it's a lot but it's a great kit. And NOT disposable.

Sorry it's a lousy picture. The one I did with the flash was over exposed. The one without is dark. I usually try to do things like this in natural light outside but it was night and now it's pouring. Blech. I cleaned my fridge when I got home. Fun fun!
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i got buster's bento supplies from bento crazy! yay. i was totally surprised. it came from yokosuka japan, from the naval base. i guess navy mom's are enterprising too.

i got the quail egg molds, the penguin sausage maker, the rice mold that's a fish and the pikachu bento box. OMG, the bento box is so small!!

my mom got me quail eggs and japanese weiners from the japanese store so i'll be boiling some up tonight to mold for his lunch tomorrow and frying up those weiners to look like penguins.

today, i finally created him a lunch. i used tupperware since i didn't have anything fancy. i used the boot mold and made a rice ball with slivers of nori as decoration. i used a paper cup cake holder as a divider and put in cubes of cheese. i didn't want to scare him off with "natural" stuff, (LOL) so put in chicken rings. it's like chicken nuggets but they're shaped like onion rings. i put that in an insulated lunch bag with a jello cup and a bag of chips. i'll have to remember to take pics in the future. it wasn't that pretty but it's a start, i guess.

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