Best and worst experiences ordering live chicks?



5 Years
Feb 18, 2019
Central Washington State
Hello all! I hit quite a slew of unfortunate circumstances regarding ordering shipped hatching eggs this year, and I’m thinking it might be best to throw in the towel and just wait to try again next year. So that leaves me with getting live chicks.

I could just get some from our local farm stores, but you’re usually limited to whatever they decided to order that week... Im wondering, how much good(or bad) experience have you had ordering live chicks from hatcheries? Do some have better shipping practices than others? What percentage of live arrivals should you expect?

Let me know if you have any recommendations, both ordering as well as to stay away from!
Advise against ordering from these big commercial breeders. You dont know what you’re getting, some die in transit, and they ship so many there is low quality control.
I only by my rarest birds that are impossible to find through the mail. Always shop local suppliers in person. Also, as a beginner you should only be buying the most hardy, generic chickens, Sex Links, Leghorns, RR Reds etc etc
Advise against ordering from these big commercial breeders. You dont know what you’re getting, some die in transit, and they ship so many there is low quality control.
I only by my rarest birds that are impossible to find through the mail. Always shop local suppliers in person. Also, as a beginner you should only be buying the most hardy, generic chickens, Sex Links, Leghorns, RR Reds etc etc

My most local hatcheries are either not within driving distance or not stocking breeds I want this year. I am specifically looking for rarer breeds.

I grew up with chickens and currently have an adult flock of my own that I raised successfully with zero illness. I am not a beginner(although I don’t claim to be an expert by any means), I am simply looking to diversify my flock.

I’m sure it was not your intent, but assuming I have no experience with chickens in general because I asked a question about a specific non-essential process(ordering shipped chicks) that I haven’t experienced before is a little offensive.

Thank you for your input on large hatcheries 👍🏻
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My best experience was last year. Ordered ~70 plus bought some from the store on a whim and lost maybe 4? 3 I figured out why, the 4th I didn't. Also was incredibly close to 50-50 considering literally every bird was bought as a straight run.

Worst has been this year, more than likely due to shipping. Lost my first ever shipment in the mail, lost almost 2/3 of another within the first 48 hours and have currently lost about 2/5 of another in the first day of them arriving.

If you're looking for a suggestion of hatchery, I really recommend IDEAL. They're easy to talk with during hours, and are one if the best in my experience of getting what you order, and not losing too many
Hello all! I hit quite a slew of unfortunate circumstances regarding ordering shipped hatching eggs this year, and I’m thinking it might be best to throw in the towel and just wait to try again next year. So that leaves me with getting live chicks.

I could just get some from our local farm stores, but you’re usually limited to whatever they decided to order that week... Im wondering, how much good(or bad) experience have you had ordering live chicks from hatcheries? Do some have better shipping practices than others? What percentage of live arrivals should you expect?

Let me know if you have any recommendations, both ordering as well as to stay away from!
Also as to how many to expect to die, I always plan to lose 2-5 depending on how big the shipment is. Some just get squished unfortunately in shipping and some just don't handle it well
Advise against ordering from these big commercial breeders.
You dont know what you’re getting,
Only if you order an assortment. Most commercial hatcheries allow you to select individual breeds.
some die in transit,
That is true, but with smaller orders, they tend to prioritize the shipping. It's good to order more than you think you want to account for potential losses, though. (but make sure that you have space to house them!)
and they ship so many there is low quality control.
With shipping? With breeding?
I've already addressed shipping, but depending on the hatchery, many take great care in breeding. The commercial hatchery with the best quality birds that I've seen is Cackle, but almost all have birds that conform to breed standards.
Also, as a beginner you should only be buying the most hardy, generic chickens, Sex Links, Leghorns, RR Reds etc etc
I disagree with that statement- many people start with silkies or polish and do great, but those birds aren't really considered hardy or generic. Some others that many beginners don't know about are faverolles, sussex, wyandottes, jersey giants, brahmas, marans, and buckeyes, and I see no reason that any of those breeds should be a problem for a beginner.
I have ordered during diff times of year, from Meyers. It is okay if we don't get a heat pad in April, but we get really cold here in late Oct. and one order 5 didn't make it. Out of 27 sent with out a heat pack. If ordering Nov-Mar. or so I would ask for heat pack, or wait till warmer months.

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