Best Bedding To Be Used With Baby Chicks????

I meant to add that I heard wire can damage chicks legs... I asked about that too. I change the shavings once a week and give a good inch layer and throw the dirty shavings in my garden. Btw I live here in town and let me know if u know of anyone who sells chicks other than tractor supply and sealys
I started thinking about it, and I think I will put something down for them for the first week or 2 then go to the wire floor only.
Hi Denny,
A wire floor is just fine for chicks. Have raised them that way for years. No, it doesn't damage their legs. You want a removable panel frame with hardware cloth affixed to it. That way you can clean it , if need be. Set your hardware cloth floor so it is 1 inch above the shavings. Use kiln-dried hardwood shavings, which have been screened for dust and don't smell like turpentine. They should smell like fresh sawdust. Use 1/4 inch hardware cloth for the 1st 2 weeks. Then switch to a new panel with 1/2 inch hardware cloth for the rest of their time in the brooder.
I do not like sand in a brooder for one reason. It collects heat below the chicks so they are getting heat both from below and above. I have never seen a brooder which utilized heat both above and below. Only seen heat come from above, Like they would get from a hen hovering over them. Reptiles like heat from both above and below, but they are not birds. I was taught to raise my chicks on wire by the esteemed Marans breeder, Kelly Cratty.
Waterford English Light Sussex
in western PA, USA
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Hi sawdust could be good as you can even it out and its soft too.Make sure you buy it though cause sawdust from your shed could have nails etc.. hope this helps
I use a mix of our own recycled, shredded newspaper and the same pine bedding used for rabbits. The less bedding I have to buy the better in my opinion and the chicks don't seem to mind.
I just got mine home last night. I ended up putting a 4'x3' piece of plywood on top of the wire with pine shavings on top of that. When they are old enough for me to remove the divider, i'll remove the board as well.
I use News paper and keep it clean and dry. Never had a problem. Been doing it for 40 years.Raiseing chicks isn't that hard. Keep clean water and plenty of food. Keep them warm and dry. I have raised them in a card board box plenty of times.
I use News paper and keep it clean and dry. Never had a problem. Been doing it for 40 years.Raiseing chicks isn't that hard. Keep clean water and plenty of food. Keep them warm and dry. I have raised them in a card board box plenty of times.
yep im a newbie to raising them by myself and thats what mine are in right now is a cardboard are right it isnt that hard at all

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